Monday, March 08, 2010

Floor workout and Four Miles

Snapped a picture of the area I'm trying to run in these days. It was pretty much all long, rolling hills. It is better than my neighborhood however because of the wide shoulder and sidewalk.
I had 4 miles to do today on the schedule and got in 3.75. Close enough.
I've been doing my floor workouts - legs/abs/yoga - for a couple weeks now and I really think it's helping! I guess I'm surprised by this. The Runners World articles I collected with exercises for runners shows how each routine is targeted towards an area running requires for power or balance, etc. I found myself running at a faster pace, often. I'd look down at my watch and I'd be running in the 10:30 or 11 or 11:30 pace!? I did also have to stop and walk more here and there. My cardiovascular system might be lagging behind where my legs are ready to be! This has really motivated me to continue these floor routines! I would love to pick up my pace a little without having to do a bunch of sprinting. I also really believe this might strengthen the knee and hip area and help me to not get my ITB type injuries. Coupled with yoga and stretching my hips/thighs, of course.

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